- facebook - My personal page.
- cat crews: tumblr blog - My microblog page that's a cross between facebook and this blog with photos, links, quotes, etc. There's a widget over in the sidebar displaying my posts on tumblr.
- KennyCat - Kendall's and my website with only a few travel photo albums on it so far.
- Blue Goose Racing - A hobby motorsport group I occasionally participate with at autocrosses. Also, I'm a part time website contributor posting results and my photography from events.
- LED Wall - A fun web-interactive nerd project I was involved with helping create. More about it on my blog post titled LED Wall Project (Nerd Alert!).
- Minds That Matter, Inc - I am the webmaster, amongst other roles, for my sister's (LaVonna Roth) education training and professional development company. If you know any educators that could benefit from her expertise, please let them know about her. Check out my amateur video skills in the Minds That Matter video and see LaVonna in action!
Coming soon...
- CatCrews.com - Probably the most important website anyone can own -- my own name of course! Nothing there yet but I'm contemplating making it a modern resume so to speak with my skills and a hire me link -- I can setup basic websites, blogs, and complete other minor technical projects for you.
- Travel from the Triangle - Another blog I started that was going to have details about my travel adventures and deals I found. I began a number of posts for it but they never made it from draft to publish. However, I have bigger plans for a travel blog in 2011 so stay tuned!