Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Triathlon Training 2010: Week 5

Monday OFF OFF Recovering from sore neck/shoulder muscles related to the long bike ride yesterday.
Tuesday Run: 30 min Swim: 400 yds
(12 min,
3 min/100 yds)
Keeping a better pace but still stopping briefly at the end of every length (25 yds). I can tell I’m being challenged because the last 100 yards or so my body does not want to keep the proper form which starts wasting energy.
Wednesday Swim: 400 yards Brick…
28 min
(5.5 miles,
5.09 min/mile)
Walk: 19 min
(1.1 miles,
17.27 min/mile)
My legs started out feeling weird after just getting off the bike. I walked 2 minutes then ran 1 minute but my heart rate felt too high so I just walked the rest. It’s good to get an idea what the transition will feel like. I made a mistake by not having water available between the bike and walk portion.
Thursday Brick…
30 min
Run: 10 min
Walk: 20 min
Swim: 400 yds
(12 min,
3 min/100 yds)
I’m not sure if I did 350 or 400 yards because I lost count of my laps (14 vs 16). I barely paused at the end of each pool length and when I got to 14/16 I was at 12 minutes which was the same as Tuesday so I feel like it was most likely the total I needed to do.
Friday Swim: 400 yards OFF Travelling
Saturday Run: 40 min Walk: A LOT Spent about 10 hours walking and standing around an amusement park. Counts for something right!
Sunday Bike: 15 miles OFF Rest and recovery day

Overall Thoughts:

  • If I had to attempt a guess at how long it might take me to complete the triathlon (swim 400 yards/bike 12 miles/run 3.1 miles), I think I could maybe do it in just under 2 hours.
  • My toe is still messed up but think it’s healed up enough that it’s not painful to run so I plan to get back into it. Since I’ve had about two weeks off from running it might be interesting but I’m hoping since I continued with swimming and biking it won’t be too horrible.

Here is the same week last year.

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